Rose Z
Rose Z. was living the American dream. An immigrant from Liberia, she came to the U.S. 26 years ago. Rose acquired an education, friends, and love until 2018 when she was severely injured in a motor vehicle accident on Rt. 295. As she was heading home to Pennsylvania from her job as a toll taker on the NJ Turnpike, she was hit from behind by a tandem tractor trailer weighing 26,000 lbs travelling at 64 MPH. Rose’s car was pushed off the highway and into a large tree. As she regained consciousness, she was able to call 911 for help. She told the operator she felt like she was dying.
Rose sustained multiple orthopedic injuries in her right leg, and her abdomen and intestines were ripped open. Rose endured many complex orthopedic surgeries for her leg injury and three surgeries on her intestines and abdomen. Her wound would not heal and remained open. She developed peritonitis. Rose spent a total of two months in Cooper Hospital in severe pain, unable to walk, and with a massive open abdominal wound. She is lucky to be alive.
In addition to the physical injuries, Rose sustained a traumatic brain injury. She is unable to communicate effectively, is incontinent, cannot control her bowels, is no longer able to be intimate with her husband. She cannot remember things, gets frustrated very easily and is severely depressed.
Rose was transferred to her daughter’s home in Maryland because she was unable to navigate stairs or care for herself or her husband and was confined to a wheelchair. Her home in Pennsylvania was unable to accommodate her wheelchair and her needs. She was left unable to work. Her husband remained in Pennsylvania due to his employment circumstances and the family home.

Before MVA

After MVA

Before MVA

After MVA
treating providers all agree that Rose's life will never be the same
Rose’s attorney reached out to AdvancedRM for a Life Care Plan to determine costs for her future care. Rose felt she was not getting the proper treatment and care required due to insurance limitations. Rose’s attorney needed assistance quickly to get Rose the money needed to obtain care during a critical time in her recovery as well as to cover all future care as she will need multiple hardware pieces from her right leg replaced over time, continuous physical therapy, home modifications, as well as medications for pain and assistance with home care.
The completed Life Care Plan estimated future costs to be approximately
$2 million over Rose’s lifetime.
Rose’s attorney was able to use the Life Care Plan to negotiate a settlement with the trucking company that owned the truck that hit her. He was able to obtain the money Rose and her husband need to continue to care for Rose now and as she ages. Although Rose will never be back to her pre-accident self, due to the documentation presented in the Life Care Plan, the support of her physician’s, and the love of her family she will be able to live a comfortable pain free existence and begin to heal from this tragedy.