AdvancedRM’s team of certified experts are able to create a comprehensive Life Care Plan for catastrophically injured, chronically ill, and disabled clients. We can also evaluate an existing plan and prepare a rebuttal. Our plans and evaluations are developed using detailed record reviews, chronologies, comprehensive interviews, physician and provider input, as well as the clinical expertise of our life care planners.

The AdvancedRM Advantage:
All plans prepared by certified life care planners with 25 years of experience
Life Care Plan
We outline the cost of all treatment, services, and equipment needed in addition to identifying long-term costs for a client with a catastrophic injury, chronic illness, or disability. This report is typically created when expert testimony may be required.
Benefits of Life Care Planning Assistance with AdvancedRM:
- Assisting with the identification of critical issues which impact on the ultimate case outcome
- Future costs are predicted based on probable outcomes related to the initial injury, disability, or diagnosis
- Extensive file review aides in analysis of all medical issues impacting on future care
- Critical issues are identified for experts to improve testimony to support the case
- Valuable tool for when testimony is required
The AdvancedRM Advantage:
When a detailed Life Care plan is not required, we can prepare a Cost Projection.
Cost Projection
A Cost Projection is also a report of future care and treatment costs in a condensed format. This is a cost-effective solution when a case is in the early stage of development, policy limits are low, or there are budget considerations. It can be used to create settlement demands or during the negotiation process.
The Life Care Plan AdvancedRM compiled for me was insightful and thorough. Their guidance and detailed report allowed me to support my settlement demand with clear defensible information. They definitely helped me achieve a successful outcome on this complex case. They are competent and knowledgeable. I recommend them highly.
Evona D., Esq.