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Traumatic Dog Bite Jeopordizes Child’s Future

When my handsome five year old son, Jimmy, was bitten on his face by my neighbor’s pit bull, my husband and I were devastated. Our life was turned upside down.  He endured five surgeries, and while his face slowly started to heal, he was left blind in her right eye. We eventually contacted an attorney. We hope to be able to afford to pay for a procedure to allow him to see when he is older.

Our attorney introduced us to Debbi, the owner of AdvancedRM. She came out and met with us. She spoke with Jimmy’s school teachers and doctors and learned how tenacious he was before this happened. Jimmy has been so shy and quiet since the incident. Debbi found a doctor to do some testing. He provided a report and she was able to outline how this incident may impact Jimmy’s ability to work and care for himself in the future. She prepared a detailed report, which included the cost of medical, academic, and vocational support, and all future costs for Jimmy. Our attorney told us our sizable settlement would have been much less without Debbi’s report and testimony. We are grateful to have this money and have placed it in a trust for Jimmy. We have gotten Jimmy into therapy and counseling. At six years old, he is just as tenacious as he used to be. He’s doing well in school, has friends, and has started horseback riding and basketball.