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Seven Reasons to Hire A Care Manager For Your Elderly Family Member

Seven Reasons to Hire A Care Manager For Your Elderly Family Member

There are a multitude of reasons to hire a care manager. No matter what the reason, the goal is to help families to look at the big picture when planning for their loved one’s care. Sometimes, without the perspective of a trained health care worker, the challenges of managing the care of an aging family member can be overwhelming for older individuals and family caregivers.

Let us start with the seven ‘Ds’:

  1. 1

    More often than not, hiring a care manager is precipitated by some sort of decline, whether it be cognitive or physical in nature. At first, the goal is to preserve independence, something that means so much to any adult, young or old. However, once a person is unable to bathe, walk, or dress themselves, that task grows more difficult. Other aspects of independent living, such as toileting, using the telephone, handling money, or managing medications, tend to pile up rather fast. Before the situation becomes untenable, family members must acknowledge the need for help, in order to seek help from a professional. A care manager tries to help individuals to use their strengths in hopes of overcoming issues causing a decline.
  2. 2

    Distance makes It difficult to fully respond to loved ones who may need extra help. When families live far away from their elderly loved ones, it may be helpful for them to hire a care manager to help ensure they are safe and their health and personal care needs are being met. The care manager functions as their eyes and ears, and is able to provide the hands on assistance they are unable to provide. Once a care management plan is developed and implemented, the care manager will oversee progress and communicate with the family.
  3. 3

    Addressing concerns about elderly parents and driving safety can be quite tricky. Nothing wounds their pride or threatens their independence like suggesting they are no longer able to operate a vehicle. In some cases, it is not so much their ability or even their sense of direction. Reduced reaction time is also common as individuals age and could result in a traumatic outcome. These situations sometimes call for a professional care manager. By removing emotion from the equation, and introducing a third party, it is more likely that a senior will consider alternative transportation, while still being able to carry out everyday activities outside the home.
  4. 4

    Family members need to be assured that their loved ones are taking their medications properly. Care managers consult with primary physicians and specialists to confirm the medication list. An easy to follow medication schedule is established and an easy-to-access system to organize the medications can be established. A system can be set up to remind, verify, and document the medications as prescribed.
  5. 5

    Depression in seniors starts with feelings of loss, primarily of their independence, followed by the sense of being a burden to others. The worst possible result is social isolation, which has been proven to be the source of significant decline in health. The good news is that there is no reason your loved one cannot continue to communicate with friends and family, especially not with today’s technology. With a caregiver to assist, it does not matter whether a senior is tech-savvy or not. Care managers help to ensure individuals are kept active and engaged through a variety of activities.
  6. 6

    Dementia is a family diagnosis, as much as it is an individual one. Problems resulting from dementia cannot be ignored. A care manager is able to address the situation with solutions to ensure individuals are safe and properly cared for. Family dynamics are addressed by the care manager so everyone is able to focus on safety and maintaining as much independence as possible.
  7. 7
    Discharge Care Manager

    No one wants to see their elderly loved ones in the hospital. Each visit provokes fear of mortality. While this is mostly out of their hands, families are much more able to affect the outcome after discharge. Will mom or dad return home? Will there be follow-up? What about rehabilitation care? These questions can be addressed by a care manager in the form of a post-discharge plan.

The reasons to hire a care manager extend well beyond seven. Caregivers burnout because they attempt to go it alone, rather than seek professional help. Placing a loved one in a long-term care facility would break just about anyone, unless of course, a facilitator is involved. Seniors are not always willing participants in this process. Accepting change is not a strong point with most people. Lastly, and most unfortunately, catastrophic events such as the loss of a spouse, disrupt. even the most well-laid plans. If you are not convinced, and need to hear more reasons, we are always happy to answer your questions

The AdvancedRM Advantage

Our case managers coordinate communication with all payer sources to facilitate reimbursement from all available avenues. Identification of community resources and assistance is pursued and every effort is made to obtain cost effective quality care to meet your loved one’s needs.