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Indego Walks The Line With New Exoskeleton

Indego Walks The Line With New Exoskeleton

“I keep a close watch on this heart of mine/ I keep my eyes wide open all the time.” Those are the opening lines of the song ‘I Walk The Line’ by Johnny Cash. They also might as well be the guiding principles in the hearts and minds of care managers like the ones employed by AdvancedRM. Keeping a close watch on these hearts of ours is what got us into this business to begin with. Always on the lookout for breakthroughs and innovations that will assist us in aiding and advocating for the disabled, it is imperative that we keep our eyes wide open all the time.

By doing just that, Walk The Line to SCI Recovery came to our attention. Walk The Line is an organization that also keeps its eyes wide open, specifically for global innovators focused on Spinal Cord Injury Recovery. They describe themselves as “an activity based spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury physical therapy recovery program.” Like us, Walk the Line keeps its eyes and ears open for the newest information available from research around the globe.

In March of this year, the FDA gave approval for the marketing and selling of the Indego exoskeleton for clinical and personal use in the USA.  This month, Walk The Line hosted its first Indego Exoskeleton Demo.  As Indego prepares its U.S. commercial launch, the Indego Personal has already been brought to the attention of healthcare and rehabilitation professionals, thanks to forward thinkers like Walk the Line.

So what is Indego Personal?

Weighing only 26 pounds, the Indego Personal exoskeleton is the most sleek, lightweight option available to those with mobility impairment. There is no upper body apparatus at all. It attaches from the waist down, requiring no bulky back-pack mounted components. The design is elegant, with no exposed cables of any kind. That does not mean it is lacking in features, by any means. Let’s review just a few:

AdvancedRM is always happy to start these conversations. Much of what we share with you on this site pertains to the latest innovations in healthcare and rehabilitation technology. We can’t help but share it. We get excited! After all, our customers are often one and the same. Attorneys, health care providers, insurance providers and private health care consumers all benefit from our medical expertise. We simply can’t help but feel that keeping up to date with products like the Indego Personal is part of our job!