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Future Dining: Stabilizing Utensils

LiftWare Starter Kit

One of the great fears of those who develop hand tremors, whether due to aging or diseases like Parkinson’s, is the inability to feed oneself. After all, feeding oneself is one of the long established cornerstones of independence and, eventually, adulthood. The ability to walk is another cornerstone and there are all sorts of technological innovations to help with that being introduced on a regular basis. Wheelchairs alone have come a long way from just a chair with wheels, so why shouldn’t technology follow suit when it comes to aiding those who have begun to experience difficulties feeding themselves? One new product that is ready and willing to answer that question is Liftware. LiftWare produces stabilizing utensils. The product contains a small computer in the handle of the utensil that is able to detect mild to moderate tremors. It then uses tiny motors to move the handle in the opposite direction of the detected tremor.

Starting Out With LiftWare

At their web site, LiftWare recommends you take a test to determine whether it is the right product for you. You can access it at LiftWare Test .

The initial kit comes with the handle and only one attachment, the soup spoon. After all, soup is a most formidable enemy and can be to the most stable of hands. It makes sense to start there but all other attachments must be purchased separately. A storage bag is provided as well.

Sticking With LiftWare

If this technology intrigues you and you would like to take a closer look, the results of a peer-reviewed and published clinical study was performed:

(Read Peer-Review and Clinical Study)
As you can see, your new utensil should shake 70% less than your hand, adapting to your tremor. It works the moment you affix an attachment to the handle and rests its power when you place it face down.  Other attachments include the regular spoon and the fork.

Wrapping Up With LiftWare

AdvancedRm enthusiastically learns about new products in its quest to consult with and advocate for the elderly and the disabled. For example, see our earlier blog about new wheelchair technology: (Read On the Move: New Wheelchair Technology.)

As for LiftWare, a charger will also come with the initial purchase. A full charge can last you through several meals so you won’t always have to have it handy.

Lastly, if you are still left with questions, feel free to visit the LiftWare product site and see how stabilizing utensils work. At the bottom is a map featuring all of the local clinics you can actually visit and test the product at.