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Jack W.

Jack W Vocational Rehabilitation case study

A Case Study in:

Vocational Assesment

Jack’s attorney contacted AdvancedRM regarding his inability to return to his previous line of work. Jack was involved in a multi-vehicle accident several years prior in which he sustained multiple orthopedic injuries as well as a traumatic brain injury. The attorney requested the assistance of our Vocational Rehabilitation specialist to determine Jack's ability to return to the work force and future earning capacity.

Client History

Prior to the accident, Jack was working as a pharmaceutical sales manager. Jack suffered from a serious brain injury, various orthopedic, and musculoskeletal injuries. Following a lengthy hospital stay he required in-patient rehabilitation. He continues to experience hearing loss, balance problems, memory and organizational problems, and word retrieval difficulty. He is unable to make decisions quickly or solve problems under stress. Jack has been unable to meet the demands of his pharmaceutical sales job and has been out of work for several years. His goal is to return to his previous position.


  • Our vocational specialist met with Jack and his therapy providers. They discussed Jack’s strengths and weaknesses since the accident.
  • Jack’s records were requested and a thorough review was completed. Jack underwent testing to determine his computer skills, verbal skills, and cognitive endurance.
  • The vocational counselor noted Jack's ability to perform repetitive data entry tasks, filing, and written documentation. She noted Jack becomes distracted and performs slowly. They agreed to start with volunteer positions to give Jack a chance to use his skills in a real life setting.
  • A volunteer position at the local "Y" was located. Jack began helping in the customer service department. He performed simple tasks such as filing, managing the sign in sheet, and data entry. His work increased from 2 hours per week to 8 hours per week.
  • Jack was unable to progress beyond 8 hours per week as he could not expand his skills to perform other jobs at the facility.


It was determined Jack would be unable to return to competitive employment for the foreseeable future.  Our vocational specialist identified options for Jack to develop marketable skills. She helped him enroll in a sheltered workshop program for designed for TBI clients and a part-time volunteer opportunity was identified. He started making money at the workshop and feels he has made progress.


Through placement in a sheltered workshop environment, volunteer activities, and extensive rehabilitation, Jack’s providers feel he is a candidate for supported employment in the future. The client is encouraged by the prospect of employment. The vocational counselor provided a report on potential lost earnings over the course of the client’s lifetime as well as future earnings capacity. His attorney obtained a sizable settlement for his client, who continues to develop skills and hopes to return to the work force one day.